Kyrgyz Republic inmates compete in online chess

13 inmates from 13 correctional facilities participated in the tournament dedicated to the International Day of Nelson Mandela, which was held at the State Penitentiary Service of the Kyrgyz Republic on July 15-16, 2021. The event was held online.

The winners were the following participants:

1st place – M. Rakhmatullaev, IK-31;

2nd place – A. Kholmirzaev, IK-10;

3rd place – M. Salieva, IK-2

All the finalists were awarded with medals and diplomas, and the winner received a TV.

The President of the Chess Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic, Talant Mamytov, took part in the awarding ceremony of the tournament.

“Such mass online cultural and sports events in correctional institutions are held for the first time, they have a positive impact on the socio-psychological situation among inmates,” said Colonel N. Berdikozhoev, head of the Department for Educational Work with special communities.